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Foto del escritorNacho Beites


Eso es lo que se desprende de este estudio de cisco recién publicado. Y es que queremos modelos híbridos de teletrabajo:

Los motivos son obvios y todos los sabemos, pero en dicho estudio pues le ponen números, que ayuda mucho más a su defensa:

Hybrid working has positively impacted the workplace and talent retention. Can improve company culture and make employees happier, more motivated, and more likely to stay

Y no nos olvidemos del impacto económico (en el estudio se centra desde el punto de vista del empleado, pero no hay que descartar el ahorro de la empresa)

Over three-quarters (76.3%) of people have been able to save money over the past year. The average saving adds up to US$8,000 a year.

Y por último, todo aquél ahorro de tiempo ha revertido en encontrar un mejor equilibrio entre vida personal y laboral:

While commuting was the single biggest time saver, more than three-quarters also saved at least four hours a week from eliminating office interactions such as team activities, water cooler chats, and so on

These extra hours were reinvested into a wide range of activities in employees’ personal lives. 44% ranked ‘time with family, friends and pets’ as the top choice for how they reinvested their time, trailed by some way by selfcare at 20.2%

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